Card front


10 – 30
To generate an environment of trust amongst the participants and facilitators, while introducing the topics of equality and diversity.
On-site: Indoors, Outdoors
Group dynamic, Plenary session
Children, Adolescents, Adults, Older adults
by Defensoría del Pueblo de Ecuador,
adapted from Técnicas para promover la igualdad y la no discriminación, P. Gallardo, A. Portillo, B. Peña, 2013, México: Conapred, p. 25.
Card back
  • Link with experience10
  • Reflect10
  • Autograph Sheet
    • Pens
    • White paper
      Link with experience
      10 min
      1. Give each participant a copy of the resource “Autograph Sheet” and ask one of them to read the instructions aloud.

      2. Instruct the participants to get on their feet and walk freely around the place to get their peers’ signatures, mentioning that they will have 10 minutes to complete this activity.

      3. Walk around the room to make sure everyone is integrated.

      10 min
      1. After the time given, ask the participants to return to their places to reflect upon the following questions:

        • What coincidences did you find?
        • How do you feel finding so many similarities between you?
        • How do you feel finding people who are different from you?
        • Do you think it is possible for all of us to act and think alike? Why?
      2. Close the activity reflecting on the importance of respect and recognition of diversity as a way of learning different perspectives, positions or points of view. In this sense we can say that this diversity should not imply inequalities, but instead it should allows us to recognize ourselves similar (with the same dignity and rights) being so different from each other.